Personalized Patient Engagement On Time, Everytime

Empower 50 Million Patients and Boost Adherence with Personalized Provider-to-Patient Notifications
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Timely is an end-to-end adherence solution designed to address all major adherence challenges by delivering personalized notifications to patients on behalf of healthcare providers. 

Timely starts from the moment the prescription is written, which we call the Point of Inception (POI). From this moment and throughout the treatment journey, Timely delivers personalized provider-to-patient notifications that drive adherence and patient engagement.

Empower Provider-to-Patient Notifications

Timely delivers peerless rates of interaction, engagement, and patient retention.
Interaction with Education,
Affordability, and Support Programs
Patient Retention Rate

How Timely Improves Prescription Adherence

Pharmaceutical manufacturers partner with Timely’s end-to-end solution and address the following adherence challenges:

Solutions for Manufacturers and Adherence teams

Strengthen Patient-Provider Relationships for Improved Adherence

Poor patient-provider engagement often results in weakened relationships and subpar medication adherence. Marketing strategies thus need to prioritize patient engagement and education. Timely assists in this by offering personalized education and support, targeting areas of highest adherence concern. It delivers critical clinical education, financial assistance for affordability, and tailored behavioral reminders throughout treatment.

Consequently, Timely empowers marketing teams to fortify patient-provider relationships and enhance medication adherence, playing a pivotal role in a patient's therapeutic journey.

Personalized Provider Notifications for Better Patient Outcomes

Hindrances in showcasing a medication's value to payers and providers can obstruct market access and reimbursement. Hence, Market Access/Reimbursement teams must effectively highlight the worth of medications. Timely aids this process by enhancing medication adherence, thereby substantiating the value of drugs to both payers and providers.

Timely tackles the most common and costly barriers to medication adherence, offering necessary patient education, financial support for improved affordability, and personalized behavioral prompts at crucial treatment stages.

By enhancing medication adherence and demonstrating a drug's value, Timely propels Market Access/Reimbursement teams towards their objectives, streamlining the path to market access and reimbursement.

Achieve Measurable End-to-End Prescription Adherence Outcomes

Limited engagement between prescribers and patients can weaken relationships and reduce medication adherence. It's vital for Digital Health and Innovation teams to strategize for enhanced patient engagement and education. Timely steps in here, engaging patients in their therapy with personalized support.

Timely makes a significant impact where it matters most for adherence: education, affordability, and personalized reminders. These interventions, spanning the entire treatment journey, encourage patients to adhere to their provider's plan.

By bolstering patient education and engagement, Timely assists Digital Health and Innovation teams in devising innovative strategies that yield improved patient outcomes

Revolutionize Patient Care with Integrated Adherence Solutions

High medication costs often pose a hurdle to adherence. Thus, Patient Services teams should strategize to enhance medication affordability. Timely aids in this by boosting affordability and adherence.

Timely provides essential financial support for patients, along with personalized prescription, cost, and education notifications, thereby fostering improved adherence from treatment initiation to conclusion.

By enhancing medication affordability and adherence, Timely enables Patient Services teams to meet their objectives more effectively.

Elevate Clinical Outcomes with Comprehensive Adherence Strategies

Limited insight into patient adherence and outcomes can impede effective real-time monitoring and intervention. Thus, it's crucial for Medical Affairs teams to strategize to enhance visibility into these areas. Timely, with its real-time monitoring and intervention capabilities, plays an instrumental role in this.

Leveraging DrFirst's EHR integration, Timely facilitates real-time oversight and intervention for Medical Affairs teams. It provides essential clinical education, improves medication affordability, and delivers personalized behavioral reminders at key treatment stages, guiding patients from initial prescription fill to renewal.

By offering real-time monitoring and intervention, Timely assists Medical Affairs teams in improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs.

Enhance Patient Outcomes and Market Insights with Comprehensive Adherence Solutions

Poor medication adherence rates lead to poor patient outcomes and increased healthcare costs. Commercial Operations teams need to focus on maximizing the value proposition of medications to payers and providers. Timely helps by improving medication adherence and demonstrating the value of a medication to payers and providers.

Timely's personalized mobile engagement experience reduces prescription abandonment by extending the reach of prescribers and supporting patients throughout their therapeutic journey, beginning from the critical decision-making point to initiate and maintain treatment.

Timely promotes improved adherence from the point of inception and throughout the treatment journey, improving the value proposition of a medication to payers and providers.

Business Development

Showcasing a medication's value to payers and providers can be challenging, often obstructing market access and reimbursement. Business Development teams need strategies that enhance value and access, a need addressed by Timely. By boosting adherence, Timely effectively demonstrates medication value.

Timely holds potential to influence one in four new prescriptions in the U.S. by resolving adherence barriers. Its holistic approach ensures patient education, enhanced affordability, and personal reminders throughout the treatment journey, keeping patients on track from first fill to renewal.
Solutions for Adherence across the therapeutic Journey

Kickstart Adherence with First Fill Support

Timely ensures patients receive timely reminders and educational materials when starting a new medication, laying a strong foundation for continued adherence. Establish trust from the beginning, improve speed-to-therapy, and set your patients on the path to success.

Maintain Therapy Consistency with Refill Reminders

Prevent disruptions in treatment by keeping patients on track with their medication schedules. Timely sends refill reminders, encouraging them to maintain their medication regimen and achieve the best possible health outcomes.

Enhance Patient Engagement for Improved Adherence

Boost patient engagement with personalized messages, educational content, and ongoing support tailored to individual needs. Timely fosters meaningful connections, empowering patients to take an active role in their healthcare journey.

Simplify Specialty Medication Management

Timely offers seamless integration with manufacturer portals or preferred white-label solutions, providing essential prior authorization, clinical, and cost information within the EHR. Intelligent pharmacy selection and personalized notifications enhance the treatment journey, connecting patients with hubs, pharmacies, and support resources. Experience ease in managing complex specialty medications with Timely.

Streamline Prior Authorization Workflows

Timely unites providers, patients, pharmacies, and payors, enhancing the prior authorization process and leading to faster approvals. Ensure patients begin and remain on their prescribed therapy with ease.

Empower Patients to Manage Side Effects

Timely educates patients about potential side effects and offers guidance on managing them. Keep patients informed, comfortable, and adherent to their prescribed treatment, leading to improved outcomes.

Tackle Complex Regimens with Customized Reminders

Managing multiple medications with varying dosages and schedules is simplified with Timely. Customized medication reminders and patient resource notifications help patients stay on track and reduce the risk of errors.

Long-term Support for Patients with Chronic Conditions

Timely offers long-term support for patients requiring ongoing medication management. Provide reminders and resources to help patients maintain their medication regimen, improve their overall health, and enhance their quality of life.

Seamless EHR Integration for Enhanced Provider Support

Timely relays clinical and cost information within the EHR to providers, helping them make informed decisions and streamline the prescription process. Equip your providers with essential insights and improve the overall patient experience.

Address Financial Barriers with Copay Support

High copays can deter patients from adhering to their medication regimen. Timely addresses this challenge by offering copay assistance information that is personalized patient eligibility. Improve medication affordability and promote adherence for better health outcomes.

Strengthen Patient-Provider Relationships for Improved Adherence

Low patient-provider engagement can harm relationships and medication adherence. To address this, marketing strategies need to focus on enhancing patient engagement and education. Timely aids this through personalized adherence messaging, education and support, providing essential clinical knowledge, financial help, and custom reminders throughout treatment.

Timely strengthens patient-provider relationships and improves medication adherence.

Personalized Provider Notifications for Better Patient Outcomes

Low patient-provider engagement can harm relationships and medication adherence. Providers may also be unaware of NRx existence, availability, cost, and pharmacy distribution.

Timely informs providers within the EHR and provides personalized prescription notifications, education and support, providing essential clinical knowledge, financial help, and custom reminders throughout treatment.

Achieve Measurable End-to-End Prescription Adherence Outcomes

Digital health and innovation leaders are charged with delivering fresh strategies that improve patient outcomes, grow brands, and leverage partnerships.

Timely is quick to launch, drives end-to-end adherence, and provides a scaling solution that accounts for 25% of all NRx and 500 million prescriptions annually. Timely also proves Return On Objective (ROO) for all engagements.

Revolutionize Patient Care with Integrated Adherence Solutions

High medication costs and a lack of patient engagement can obstruct adherence. Patient Services teams need to improve affordability and engagement with support materials. Specialty brands need to account for prescriber workflow challenges related to prior authorizations, forms, and pharmacy distribution.

Timely's adherence solution delivers a 65% patient rate of engagement on all messaging, which impacts a growing universe of 500 million prescriptions annually. Timely's end-to-end solution closes the gap between Patient Services and adherence.

Elevate Clinical Outcomes with Comprehensive Adherence Strategies

Difficulty demonstrating a medication's worth can limit market access and reimbursement. Market Access/Reimbursement teams need to highlight a drug's value.

Timely aids this through improved adherence and by tackling barriers such as patient education, affordability, and treatment reminders. As a result, Timely supports Market Access/Reimbursement teams in achieving their goals.

Enhance Patient Outcomes and Market Insights with Comprehensive Adherence Solutions

Low medication adherence can worsen patient outcomes and inflate healthcare costs. Commercial Operations teams must highlight medication value, a task assisted by Timely, which enhances adherence and provides clinical and cost information within the EHR to providers.

Timely's personalized mobile engagement curbs prescription abandonment, aiding patients from treatment initiation to maintenance. This fosters improved adherence and underscores the medication's value proposition.

Business Development

Demonstrating a medication's worth to payers and providers can hinder market access. Business Development teams require strategies to tackle this, a need Timely addresses by enhancing adherence and medication value.

Timely influences one in four U.S. prescriptions, providing patient education, affordability, and reminders, ensuring patient adherence from start to renewal.

Kickstart Adherence with First Fill Support

Timely ensures patients receive timely reminders and educational materials when starting a new medication, laying a strong foundation for continued adherence. Establish trust from the beginning, improve speed-to-therapy, and set your patients on the path to success.

Maintain Therapy Consistency with Refill Reminders

Prevent disruptions in treatment by keeping patients on track with their medication schedules. Timely sends refill reminders, encouraging them to maintain their medication regimen and achieve the best possible health outcomes.

Enhance Patient Engagement for Improved Adherence

Boost patient engagement with personalized messages, educational content, and ongoing support tailored to individual needs. Timely fosters meaningful connections, empowering patients to take an active role in their healthcare journey.

Simplify Specialty Medication Management

Timely offers seamless integration with manufacturer portals or preferred white-label solutions, providing essential prior authorization, clinical, and cost information within the EHR. Intelligent pharmacy selection and personalized notifications enhance the treatment journey, connecting patients with hubs, pharmacies, and support resources. Experience ease in managing complex specialty medications with Timely.

Streamline Prior Authorization Workflows

Timely unites providers, patients, pharmacies, and payors, enhancing the prior authorization process and leading to faster approvals. Ensure patients begin and remain on their prescribed therapy with ease.

Empower Patients to Manage Side Effects

Timely educates patients about potential side effects and offers guidance on managing them. Keep patients informed, comfortable, and adherent to their prescribed treatment, leading to improved outcomes.

Tackle Complex Regimens with Customized Reminders

Managing multiple medications with varying dosages and schedules is simplified with Timely. Customized medication reminders and patient resource notifications help patients stay on track and reduce the risk of errors.

Long-term Support for Patients with Chronic Conditions

Timely offers long-term support for patients requiring ongoing medication management. Provide reminders and resources to help patients maintain their medication regimen, improve their overall health, and enhance their quality of life.

Seamless EHR Integration for Enhanced Provider Support

Timely relays clinical and cost information within the EHR to providers, helping them make informed decisions and streamline the prescription process. Equip your providers with essential insights and improve the overall patient experience.

Address Financial Barriers with Copay Support

High copays can deter patients from adhering to their medication regimen. Timely addresses this challenge by offering copay assistance information that is personalized patient eligibility. Improve medication affordability and promote adherence for better health outcomes.

Commercial Operations

Poor medication adherence rates lead to poor patient outcomes and increased healthcare costs. Commercial Operations teams need to focus on maximizing the value proposition of medications to payers and providers. Timely helps by improving medication adherence and demonstrating the value of a medication to payers and providers.

Timely's personalized mobile engagement experience reduces prescription abandonment by extending the reach of prescribers and supporting patients throughout their therapeutic journey, beginning from the critical decision-making point to initiate and maintain treatment.

Timely promotes improved adherence from the point of inception and throughout the treatment journey, improving the value proposition of a medication to payers and providers.


Poor patient-provider engagement often results in weakened relationships and subpar medication adherence. Marketing strategies thus need to prioritize patient engagement and education. Timely assists in this by offering personalized education and support, targeting areas of highest adherence concern. It delivers critical clinical education, financial assistance for affordability, and tailored behavioral reminders throughout treatment.

Consequently, Timely empowers marketing teams to fortify patient-provider relationships and enhance medication adherence, playing a pivotal role in a patient's therapeutic journey.

Market Access/Reimbursement

Hindrances in showcasing a medication's value to payers and providers can obstruct market access and reimbursement. Hence, Market Access/Reimbursement teams must effectively highlight the worth of medications. Timely aids this process by enhancing medication adherence, thereby substantiating the value of drugs to both payers and providers.

Timely tackles the most common and costly barriers to medication adherence, offering necessary patient education, financial support for improved affordability, and personalized behavioral prompts at crucial treatment stages.

By enhancing medication adherence and demonstrating a drug's value, Timely propels Market Access/Reimbursement teams towards their objectives, streamlining the path to market access and reimbursement.

Medical Affairs

Limited insight into patient adherence and outcomes can impede effective real-time monitoring and intervention. Thus, it's crucial for Medical Affairs teams to strategize to enhance visibility into these areas. Timely, with its real-time monitoring and intervention capabilities, plays an instrumental role in this.

Leveraging DrFirst's EHR integration, Timely facilitates real-time oversight and intervention for Medical Affairs teams. It provides essential clinical education, improves medication affordability, and delivers personalized behavioral reminders at key treatment stages, guiding patients from initial prescription fill to renewal.

By offering real-time monitoring and intervention, Timely assists Medical Affairs teams in improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs.

Patient Services

High medication costs often pose a hurdle to adherence. Thus, Patient Services teams should strategize to enhance medication affordability. Timely aids in this by boosting affordability and adherence.

Timely provides essential financial support for patients, along with personalized prescription, cost, and education notifications, thereby fostering improved adherence from treatment initiation to conclusion.

By enhancing medication affordability and adherence, Timely enables Patient Services teams to meet their objectives more effectively.

Digital Health and Innovation

Limited engagement between prescribers and patients can weaken relationships and reduce medication adherence. It's vital for Digital Health and Innovation teams to strategize for enhanced patient engagement and education. Timely steps in here, engaging patients in their therapy with personalized support.

Timely makes a significant impact where it matters most for adherence: education, affordability, and personalized reminders. These interventions, spanning the entire treatment journey, encourage patients to adhere to their provider's plan.

By bolstering patient education and engagement, Timely assists Digital Health and Innovation teams in devising innovative strategies that yield improved patient outcomes

Business Development

Showcasing a medication's value to payers and providers can be challenging, often obstructing market access and reimbursement. Business Development teams need strategies that enhance value and access, a need addressed by Timely. By boosting adherence, Timely effectively demonstrates medication value.

Timely holds potential to influence one in four new prescriptions in the U.S. by resolving adherence barriers. Its holistic approach ensures patient education, enhanced affordability, and personal reminders throughout the treatment journey, keeping patients on track from first fill to renewal.

Kickstart Adherence with First Fill Support

Timely ensures patients receive timely reminders and educational materials when starting a new medication, laying a strong foundation for continued adherence. Establish trust from the beginning, improve speed-to-therapy, and set your patients on the path to success.

Maintain Therapy Consistency with Refill Reminders

Prevent disruptions in treatment by keeping patients on track with their medication schedules. Timely sends refill reminders, encouraging them to maintain their medication regimen and achieve the best possible health outcomes.

Enhance Patient Engagement for Improved Adherence

Boost patient engagement with personalized messages, educational content, and ongoing support tailored to individual needs. Timely fosters meaningful connections, empowering patients to take an active role in their healthcare journey.

Simplify Specialty Medication Management

Timely offers seamless integration with manufacturer portals or preferred white-label solutions, providing essential prior authorization, clinical, and cost information within the EHR. Intelligent pharmacy selection and personalized notifications enhance the treatment journey, connecting patients with hubs, pharmacies, and support resources. Experience ease in managing complex specialty medications with Timely.

Streamline Prior Authorization Workflows

Timely unites providers, patients, pharmacies, and payors, enhancing the prior authorization process and leading to faster approvals. Ensure patients begin and remain on their prescribed therapy with ease.

Empower Patients to Manage Side Effects

Timely educates patients about potential side effects and offers guidance on managing them. Keep patients informed, comfortable, and adherent to their prescribed treatment, leading to improved outcomes.

Tackle Complex Regimens with Customized Reminders

Managing multiple medications with varying dosages and schedules is simplified with Timely. Customized medication reminders and patient resource notifications help patients stay on track and reduce the risk of errors.

Long-term Support for Patients with Chronic Conditions

Timely offers long-term support for patients requiring ongoing medication management. Provide reminders and resources to help patients maintain their medication regimen, improve their overall health, and enhance their quality of life.

Seamless EHR Integration for Enhanced Provider Support

Timely relays clinical and cost information within the EHR to providers, helping them make informed decisions and streamline the prescription process. Equip your providers with essential insights and improve the overall patient experience.

Address Financial Barriers with Copay Support

High copays can deter patients from adhering to their medication regimen. Timely addresses this challenge by offering copay assistance information that is personalized patient eligibility. Improve medication affordability and promote adherence for better health outcomes.

Transform medication adherence with Timely by DrFirst. Leverage the power of personalized notifications and support to empower your patients and drive better health outcomes. Request a demo today.